There’s a feeling of wholeness, an ineffable euphoria, that comes from a week of nonstop fashion.
Show after show, presentation after presentation, and event after event. This feeling is especially palpable during Copenhagen Fashion Week, which never fails to set a lively tone for the rest of fashion month. No matter the weather (it was frigid), the mood of the week is always buoyant, and no matter how long the days get (they were really long), they feel almost too brief. When the week of navigating heart-racing daily schedules and running around town in heels comes to an abrupt end, I can’t help but feel a certain kind of sadness. Kiss-kiss. See you next season! I say goodbye to my friends and start mentally planning my next visit.
It’s been a few weeks since I landed in Los Angeles from Copenhagen after a thrilling fashion week interrupted by rain and punctuated by copious amounts of fastelavnsboller (otherwise known as cream-filled buns made to celebrate carnival season in February). The passage of time is, at least for me, the true litmus test for a show’s impact. To understand just how much a collection has managed to move me, or just how fully it has permeated my thoughts and feelings, I often have to let these memories steep like a good cup of tea. Without a bursting-at-the-seams schedule, I can give those moments greater cognitive space and maybe even give them new context.
What do I remember weeks after the excitement ends — or more importantly, how do I remember it? Well, several things. Many designers this season looked internally for inspiration, a move that lent their collections a certain kind of authenticity without dipping into old ideas. Passion was a running theme in many of the fall-winter 2025 shows, as fashion makers recharged and revitalized their signature styles. Many toed the line between buttoned-up masculinity and polished, mid-century elegance. Both on and off the runway, ties and pillbox hats were ubiquitous, and comfort colors — dark, sumptuous chocolates, burgundies, and mustards — dominated. Here are some of my favorite moments, in no particular order.